Infographics are being widely used by all types of companies as the new form of content.
From the maps and cartography -

through the road signs -
the use of icons evolved into the whole image-based stories and business reports -
This is how infographic was born, I guess. I always admired how this type of content looks and always wanted to create one my self. So here are some tips concerning infographic I would like to share.

FURTHER content visualisation
If you want to take the visualisation to the next level, it is might be worth trying to create video.
To say the truth, I was not at all familiar with any video editors (except for the Movie Maker).
However, I was a huge fun and frequent user of Instagram, so after they introduced the 'video option' it was my first expereince in fim making.
Later on, I discovered Vine and it was absolutely surprising how 7 seconds can make you a star or help creating successful marketing strategy .
But the service I want to share with you today is VideoScribe. If you have always wanted to create a video like this, this video editing software will be extremely useful. What it does, it makes this 'hand drawn stories' in a few minutes, so I really enjoyed the 7 days trial free version that I have installed. If this is something you would use for your content marketing, it might be worth buying though.
From the maps and cartography -
through the road signs -
the use of icons evolved into the whole image-based stories and business reports -
This is how infographic was born, I guess. I always admired how this type of content looks and always wanted to create one my self. So here are some tips concerning infographic I would like to share.
1. It is simple
There is probably no better way to explain the big data and heavy statistics to the ordinary person except for visualising it. Easy-to-understand pictures may not only display your products, reveal key information on the company's achievements, but be an informative piece for the stakeholders and business partners.
2. A form of content and the content per se
Infographics are now quite commonly used by the marketing, PR, advertising and digital blogs and news outlets as a way of delivering complicated data (statistics, rankings, process descriptions). On the other hand, when a brand decides to create infographic, this often becomes a newsworthy story itself. Take Google, for example, who supplemented the ‘9 years of Gmail celebration’ with the colourful illustrations making the event more ‘catchy’.
3. People love infographics
Cool cat`s images and infographics (as more serious stuff) represent the two examples of the most sharable content. This is especially true among the Internet users who not as much read, but observe. While with the articles and news stories the information may be more in-depth, it only takes few seconds to get the idea of the infographics and repost the picture to your social media page.
4. Infographic cannot be too long
The blog post may be too long, so can the video, but with infographics it is more like a comics book - you want to know the end of the story. Thus, this format of content is rarely boring. So it is like bonfire, waterfall or 'another person working' - something you can watch forever. :)
5. There are so many tools to make infographics
In order to make an infographic you do not necessarily need to be a photoshop guru. There are at least 3 great free online editors to help you start visualising your content.
6. Users love them, search engines don’t.
The biggest problem with infographic is that they are not SEO-friendly, Being an image infographic content cannot be recognized and indexed. Therefore, it`s use have to be very dosed and always supported with some kind of a pitch or a hashtag.
7. Good infographics are not so easy to make.
Even though the above mentioned programs are quite handy, they cannot compere with professionally designed ones. Therefore, I would still recomend to get yourselves introduced to the basics of picture editing.
FURTHER content visualisation
If you want to take the visualisation to the next level, it is might be worth trying to create video.
To say the truth, I was not at all familiar with any video editors (except for the Movie Maker).
However, I was a huge fun and frequent user of Instagram, so after they introduced the 'video option' it was my first expereince in fim making.
Later on, I discovered Vine and it was absolutely surprising how 7 seconds can make you a star or help creating successful marketing strategy .
But the service I want to share with you today is VideoScribe. If you have always wanted to create a video like this, this video editing software will be extremely useful. What it does, it makes this 'hand drawn stories' in a few minutes, so I really enjoyed the 7 days trial free version that I have installed. If this is something you would use for your content marketing, it might be worth buying though.
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